Monday, March 2, 2009

On the hazards of uniformery

Breakfast this morning was a cookie and a mug of instant coffee. Which is not entirely different from my usual breakfast of peanut butter on bread and instant coffee, but this time I was munching while aiming a hair dryer at my school uniform's pants. I'd washed them on Saturday, but they hadn't quite managed to dry. My host mom and I hit them with a combination of an iron and the hair dryer, but I still feel like Moist from Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog.


Maeghan said...

Carly. Feeling like Moist is better than trying to explain to your host family that you don't mean to insult them by comparing Atatürk in the film "Mustafa" to Dr. Horrible and failing due to fits of giggles at the obsurdity of it all.
Will elaborate in person.

Anne said...

reminds me of the our trip to the UK where mom had to dry our socks with a hairdryer. It didnt quite do the trick.

Carly said...

Maeghan...I would like to take this opportunity to point out that Atatürk = Dr. Horrible is perhaps not the most apt of comparisons? Starting with the horrible part?

Anne...yeah, I felt like I was squelching gently all day.

Maeghan said...

But Carly!!!
There was one part where the European press was basically calling him a dictator and he pretty much said that he just needed the control to reach his outcome. And I thought "The world is a mess and I just need to.. rule it."
Also there was another part where he finally did something.. like win the war (don't remember, it was after he overcame some hurdle) and he was quoted with saying that he didn't feel anything. And I thought Dr. Horrible's last line.

Carly said...

Maeghan, sweetie, I appreciate the reasoning behind your lunacy but have to point out that it's still LUNACY. This would be like telling a group of Christian fundamentalists that Moses forced marched the Hebrews out of Egypt.