Thursday, February 26, 2009

We interrupt your regularly scheduled broadcast...

Current apartment complex is generally pretty quiet. I've never heard anything from the neighbors short of a chair being dragged across a floor upstairs.

So tonight, my host brother and I are on our computers in his room; he's doing homework, I'm blogging and browsing Wikipedia. All is quiet save for the gentle clacking of keys when from upstairs comes a sound rather like 300 Spartans diving into battle. Except with mufflers, because it's coming through a few walls.

I look at Kaaan. "Football match tonight?"

Kaaan: "Yep."

Me: "...I'm blogging this."


Maeghan said...


And I didn't know you had a host brother..

Carly said...

Objectively speaking, I could point out that he's 16, cute, single, intelligent, and multilingual.

Just sayin'...

Maeghan said...

Hmm. Does sound enticing.. but you know who I happen to be on msn with right now?
*blushes, giggles, and grins*

(Although those are very good qualities.)