Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Oh. Right. I have a blog. Oops.

All right, gang: I admit it. I have been extraordinarily remiss in my updating and thusly negligent of my obligation to you, gentle readers. Just trust me when I say that it's been insane around here lately - mostly the good kind - and I have been swamped. But I'm working on paring my 1000+ unedited photos down to those that are actually fit for public consumption, and I'm hoping to have a batch of new entries up in the next day or so.

But just to tide you over:
1) I saw a horse and cart loaded with figs trotting down a major highway the other day.
2) Hotels here give you complimentary slippers along with the shampoo and sewing kits and whatnot. How cool is that?
3) Goats tied to telephone poles are not entirely unusual here.
4) There will be more, shortly. Keep your hair on - I'm getting there.

Love you all bunches!

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