There’s a small bakery a few blocks from Anne’s office. It’s somewhere between a Starbucks and a chocolatier, and if you think that sounds like heaven, you’re right. It had a nice outdoor seating section, complete with a potted geranium or two. The usual feral cats were prowling around, alternating between mewling adorably and stealing bits of pastry when patrons weren’t looking. It was very nice, and I thought I’d get a picture or two to share with the folks from home.

I snapped exactly four photos, one of which didn’t turn out at all, before the clerk conveyed through gesture and barked Turkish that I was absolutely not supposed to be photographing his venue.
Now, I’m all for the privacy of this customers, but I wasn’t photographing them; I was photographing the delectable pastries in the display case. But this was, evidently, verboten.

If Alias’s SD-6 could be housed in a bank, there’s no reason to assume that a bakery couldn’t hide a secret agency or two…and at any rate, the pastries were tasty enough to seduce even the most dedicated foreign agent into giving up state secrets...

nice allusion haha :)
i am so glad your blog exists now!
i love you and miss youuuu!
I really want to go to a secret spy bakery. There's probably certain pastries that have weapons and such for the spies. They come in and it looks like they're just buying sweets, but really they're getting armed for their next mission.
But then what happens when they accidently give a customer the wrong pastry? They take a bite and hit the barrel of the revolver with their teeth. That might be slightly suspicious.
Libby dahlin': And no Vaughn! No Marshall! No Dixon!
Lexie: Your brain terrifies me... And they just don't give out the wrong pastries. How unsecretagentish would that be? And glaringly unprofssional!
I know you only watched Alias for Vaughn, and didn't we all, but do you recall an op going south because of a pastry mixup? I DON'T.
CARLY!!! It sounds amazing!!! I am super jealous! Oh my gosh!! I don't even know what to say, other than to thank you for the gigantic laugh I had in the middle of the silent library when I saw the picture of you "dancing" on a chair. Brings tears to my eyes.
I love you so much and I miss you!! Sounds like you're having an amazing time!
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